Poke Speedometer

displays your speed
in Pokémon GO

What is Poke Speedometer?

It's an easy-to-use, elegant Android application to display a speedometer in Pokémon GO or any other app of your choice!

How does it work?

Visit Google Play Store to download Poke Speedometer to your Android device. After downloading and installing, launch the app. The home screen appears, you can change your settings here and choose in which apps you want Poke Speedometer to show up. Poke Speedometer will show and hide automatically. You can also set a speed limit (defaults to 10.5 km/h), to alert you when you go too fast for Pokémon GO.

For more detailed instructions, visit 'How to use'.

View and download the app at Google Play.
download now
  • No internet access needed
  • Shows and hides automatically
  • Temporary-hide function
  • Can also be used with other apps